About us
Tiger Oil and Energy, Inc. is an American based oil and natural gas exploration and production company engaging in the acquisition of oil & gas leases. Tiger Oil will apply advanced drilling, completion and secondary recovery techniques to currently shut-in and low producing wells, while utilizing modern technologies and techniques to increase production and profitability.
Upchurch Lease – Clinton County, KY
The Upchurch lease is a 75-acre lease held by production, producing from a single well drilled in the early 1980’s. The well hit oil at just over 1800 feet in the Knox formations, it has been in production for 30+ years. The Knox formation is the premier oil formation in Kentucky and generally runs at depths ranging from 1600 to 2300 feet. Given the desire for Knox wells, nearly every newly discovered Knox well in the region has been offset. Tiger Oil and Energy, Inc. will evaluate the potential of drilling multiple offsets on the Upchurch lease.
Defore 19-1 Well and 19-2 (SWD) Cowley County, Kansas
The Defore lease is an 80-acre oil and gas lease held by production, it contains both an oil well and a salt water disposal well (SWD). The lease was drilled in 2014 and is producing from the Mississippian formation.
Corporate Mission
Tiger Oil and Energy, Inc. is a diverse energy company that engages in acquisition of oil & gas leases. Tiger Oil’s corporate mission is to acquire a portfolio of producing oil & gas assets. Tiger Oil will acquire working interests (WI) in historically producing oil & gas leases within the mid-west and south eastern U.S. Tiger Oil will develop the newly acquired shallow oil reserves by reworking low producing wells and recompleted shut-in wells. After which, applying new secondary recovery techniques bringing the wells back online or increasing production. Tiger Oil will then assess new drill locations on each lease. Tiger Oil’s secondary mission is a response to the recent technological advancements being made in the oil & gas sector. Tiger Oil will look to initiate testing of new digital technologies and alternative techniques with the potential to transform operations, reducing cost and increasing production.